Never say I love you,
If you don't really care.
Never talk about feelings,
If they aren't really there.
Never hold my hand,
If you are going to break my heart.
Never say your going to,
If you don't plan to start.
Never look into my eyes,
If all you do is lie.
Never say "Hello",
If you really mean "Goodbye".
If you really mean forever,
Then say you'll try.
Never say forever,
Because forever makes me cry.
*This is a poem I received from this guy that I knew and liked. It has played a big part in my life in the last year and a half, two years.
If i could go back and change anything that happened between us, it would be telling him that I liked him, and finding out the truth on why he sent it to me sooner than later, instead of thinking up crazy reasons on why it was sent. I *Almost* wish that nothing has changed between us, but in the end I guess it was for the best.
~][I'll never forget you and what you taught me.][~